Legal Services - , Delhi, India
AArbitrationAnticipatory bail before Sessions Court, High Court, Supreme CourtAsset securitization and structured finance- legal advice and servicesAppeals before High CourtsAppeals before Supreme CourtAdvice on all subjects/ Online adviceAdvocate for Supreme Court of IndiaAnticipatory bailB-CBails including bail under Section 437, 438, 439, anticipatory bail, regular bailBanking & financial institutions adviceBusiness legal advice & litigationCivil suits, civil injunctionsCorporate legal advicesCorporate Insurance AdvicesCharitable trust in IndiaCivil laws advice and litigation servicesCriminal law advices and criminal casesCriminal appealsCustody of ward /child/childrenCopyright services, registration of copyright, litigation in copyright mattersCorporate & commercial litigationCyberlaw & IT law casescheque dishonor casesCompensation claimsConstitutional remediesConsumer Protection matters and claimsContractsDDivorce cases & counsellingDue diligence reportDevelopment and constructions advicesDamages claims of all kindsDocumentation servicesE-FEmployment laws & litigationEnvironmental laws and compliances and litigationEquity Capital marketsFinancial & restructuring servicesFinancial litigation and servicesFranchise and distribution disputesFOREX & FEMA casesG-IGovernment contracts and tenders advices and litigationsIntellectual property rights casesInvestment management servicesInjunction for protectionInternational trade advice & litigationInternational arbitrationsInternational employment law servicesInternational trade and exportInsurance advices and litigationLLegal advice on all important mattersLabour & service law mattersLabour /management relationsLand Use disputesLegal drafting servicesM-NMatrimonial advices and litigationMaintenance mattersMortgage mattersMarriage advice and registration services in India,Mergers , acquisitions dispositionsTaxationTrademarksReal EstateTelecom sector