Personal Services - Princeton, Minnesota, US
Agronomy - Energy - Retail THE FEDERATED DIFFERENCE SETS US APART Our people really care. Federated employees are often called high quality, friendly, professional, knowledgeable. They’re good people and they’re your neighbors, too. That’s a major point that differentiates Federated Co-ops from other businesses today. We live alongside you and we take a personal interest in your life. We offer our customers trusted products. Federated sells only dependable, safe, durable products and we deliver top value for your money. On top of that, you can always trust us to stand behind our products and services. WE BUILD, INVEST, PARTNER TO ASSURE YOUR SUPPLY No matter what changes and challenges you face, you can always count on your co-op as a reliable source of the products you need at a reasonable price. We negotiate the wholesale prices and handle the logistics to make sure farmers have a reliable source of fertilizer and other production inputs so they can concentrate on producing food. And as the 18th largest propane company in the U.S., we procure and store enough propane to ensure that your home, shop or farm has the energy it needs.
Constant Contact
Blue Host
Microsoft Office 365