Education Management - Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands
The Federation of Study associations Eindhoven, in short FSE, is an umbrella organization that represents the ten study associations at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The goal of the FSE is to represent the interests of students at the TU/e through the study associations. We do this by facilitating commutation between the study associations, and by being the contact point for the university.Each study at the TU/e has its own study association. Study associations offer services for students and are managed by students. The study associations organize a lot of activities, some study related and some leisure activities. At the TU/e we have ten study associations and all of them are member of the Federation of Study associations Eindhoven. The form the Governing Board of the FSE. Next to that, the FSE has the Executive Board which is responsible with the daily operations.