Internet - Hughson, California, United States
FencePostAg was founded with an innovative idea and inspiring objective: to be the first website to successfully offer an expansive selection of products geared specifically towards the agriculture and horticulture communities.Every great idea starts with a problem. Ours was simple: the agriculture and horticulture communities lack an online platform with a sufficient inventory to solve their wide array of consumer needs. We know it can be difficult to find the exact shaker pad you need online. Or, locate that specific Stihl replacement part to keep your landscape business running. Even for the gardening enthusiast, it is nearly impossible to find to a website that can offer everything someone needs all in one place. The solution was simple. While big-box stores are able to offer an assortment of products to consumers in a wide range of industries, our goal is to build a business that caters to a community of people who have yet to have their needs met through an eCommerce site. We recognize that over the last two decades the internet has opened up numerous opportunities for development and growth in a large facet of industries; however, the agriculture and horticulture industries have seemingly been left behind.We started FencePostAG to fill that void.Our vision is to serve these customers with an additional venue to fuel their passions and support their livelihood. We believe that your next purchase should be easy and affordable with high quality customer service. Whether you're looking for Donaldson filters so you can continue to harvest your orchard or TeeJet nozzles to take care of spraying your vineyard, we're here to help. There's nothing complicated about it. Whether this is your hobby or business, we're here to serve you.