Human Resources - , , Macao
Ferre HR Macau is the ONLY agency specialized in RETAIL area with both part time and full time candidates. We assisted clients to open new stores at Venetian, Galaxy Phase II and Wynn Palace for 1st Line Beauty, Watches, Jewelry and Fashion Brands. We understand that you need a candidate more than someone with a breathe and pulse! Our team is formed by senior HRA recruiters who understand your needs for Recruitment like ever before. Contact us for talents NOW! Tel: +853 28921511 (Ext 115) / Email: ferrehradmin@ferre-group.com輝亞人力資源公司致力為客戶提供澳門地區的招聘服務及全方位行政管理的服務。公司由專業招聘顧問團隊及資深行政專員團隊組成。專業招聘顧問主要為本地及外地客戶作人員招聘及咨詢,讓客戶更快融入本地市場,提高客戶業務效益;資深行政專員主要為客戶管理日常行政,負責處理行政文件及相關行政咨詢。此外,輝亞人力資源為本澳求職者開拓更大的就業平台,助求職者輕鬆獲得招聘資訊,更快找到合適的工作。公司業務主要分為招聘服務、行政管理服務及便利的一站式服務。使用一站式服務,客戶可以按需求自由選取需要的服務內容,更靈活處理招聘及行政所帶來的挑戰,我們的團隊專心聆聽您的需要,為您提供最佳的解決方案。