Information Technology and Services - Austin, Texas, United States
As a Jive Alliance Agency, FG SQUARED helps Jive customers form and implement strategies to increase the adoption of Jive inside and outside of their organizations. We customize their communities by creating engaging user experiences and developing plugins/apps that leverage Jive's core platform and meet the needs of their organizations and their community members.Your Jive community is your world. Here are the ways we can make it a better one:* Jive consulting, including administrative and technical support and strategic planning* Configure and launch Jive SBS* Design and implement custom themes* Maintain the community through upgrades and planned upkeep* Manage the community to encourage user engagement and community health* HTML widgets and other content customizations* Custom plugins to extend Jive's functionalityWe'd love to learn more about you. If you want to learn more about read below, visit our website, email us at You can also leave a voice message for us at 512.481.8831 x224.We were founded in Austin and have been doing business here since 1994.Over 19 years, the hallmark of FG SQUARED is creating long term clientrelationships in the role of trusted advisor/partner.We began using Jive Clearspace 1.0 in 2007, and our first clientimplementation was in 2008. Since that time we have walked with ourcustomers through their many upgrade paths, and we are aware of the manychallenges our clients experience with upgrading communities of all shapesand sizes including external communities that are hosted on premises forreasons of security, confidentiality, and privacy.We are responsive, flexible and fully integrated through our Jive Alliancepartnership. In fact, we are recognized as Jive's go-to partner agency in theSouth, and we have been instrumental in the launching of Jive's Texas UserGroup.