Bank - Laval, QC, CA
Finalta Capital lends to innovative Canadian companies that claim refundable investment tax credits for Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED), eBusiness (CDAE and OIDMTC) and the production of multimedia titles, as well as large government grants (SDTC, Electrification). There are 3 advantages over loan programs from other financial institutions for the funding of past and accrued (instalments throughout a year not yet completed) tax credits:• Pre-Funding of Expenditures, disbursements on the first day of each quarter before expenditures are even made• Increased Liquidity by 50%, on the basis of the same tax credits• Alleviated Loan Administration Burden, no need for government guarantees, financial close in some 15 business daysThe impact: Pre-funding eligible expenditures for R&D and multimedia tax credit as they accrue, alleviates the cash flow pressure of an intensive R&D program, accelerates time to market, increases competitiveness, revenue from innovation and firm value.
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Microsoft Office 365