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FIND.COM - Free Speech Search & Social Media Platform Launching Soon! The public town square has been in the hands of a few companies that do not respect all voices. FIND.COM protects free speech and allows you to connect with family and friends, create amazing online businesses, and share your thoughts with the world without censorship. Our internet search (Multisearch) will forever change the way you seach the web by putting you in full control of your search results.It is up to you! If you want a free speech platform with incredible innovative technologies that are better than what you have today, please donate, share on social media, share with family, friends, co-workers, clubs, groups and everyone you know. Reach out to local and national media to interview us about FIND.COM.When sharing, use the hashtags #find #findplatform #findcomFIND.COM will have:FIND SEARCH (Innovative Internet Search)FIND SOCIAL (think Facebook)FIND ECHO (think Twitter)FIND VIDEO (Video Posting & Live Streaming)After crowdfunding, FIND ECHO will launch within 60 days. FIND SEARCH, FIND SOCIAL and FIND VIDEO will be online by summer 2021. More information is at