Human Resources - Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Fintech-HR is an Executive specialized search firm committed to top talents for financial institutions and Fintech companies like as Banking, Fund, Securities, Insurance, Credit Card, PE, Private Banking, Wealth Management, Third-Party Payment, Mobile Finance, Big data, AI and so on). We provide professional hiring and Talent related services. Our clients are mainly world -wild top tier companies as well as Domestic Top financial institutions in China. Connect the Best Pepole is our slogan! All the people from Fintech-HR are Integrity、 Valuable and Professional.Fintech-HR 是一家致力于打造金融(Financial Industry)、金融科技(Fintech) 领域中、高端职位搜寻的专业人力资源服务机构,每一个顾问将专注在特定领域的垂直细分市场精耕细作,与客户及候选人保持最密切的互动,深刻理解企业雇主的人才需求和候选人的求职需求,将最合适的优秀候选人与雇主相匹配,实现人才价值与企业价值的双赢!常年热招岗位:银行业:Corp banking HeadMNC/Large Local Corp /CMB/GB/VP-MDCredit Risk AVP-MDMarket Risk AVP-MDCash Sales AVP-MDCash Prodcut AVP-MDTrade Sales/Product AVP-MDCapital Market Sales/Product AVP-MDCOOPrivate BankerInvestment Product VPLegal & ComplianceInternal AuditorFinance controller基金证券行业Sponsor-保荐代表人Fixed income-债券承销机构销售IBD-投行营业部总经理首席分析师(互联网/医药/零售商贸等)股票基金经理债券基金经理交易员行业研究员量化交易TA/FA后台运营保险行业Chief Actuary-总精算师精算-定价或估值培训总监银行保险负责人首席运营官核保理赔合规法务电话销售产品开发分公司负责人全国代理人总经理金融科技方向区块链负责人CTOCPO大数据总监风控负责人产品负责人资产端负责人