Financial Services - Berlin, Berlin, Germany
fintexx - women in finance is an initiative, founded by Dr. Carolin Gabor, with the aim to give women working in the tech and finance industry more visibility and networking opportunities. It consists of an exclusive circle of C-level women, who up until now have built a strong network within the financial industry. The initiative also provides opportunities to the next generation of females with a tech background as well as continuing to strengthen and support successful females in financial services.fintexx - women in finance is now an initiative from Europe's leading full-stack Open Banking platform, finleap connect. Lead by Lawyer and CRO at finleap connect, Dr. Lea Maria Siering, fintexx aims to bring visibility to women across all job levels in finance and technology, as well as empower women who aspire to be in or are already in leadership positions. Get in touch with us via - and stay tuned for more exciting news to come!
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