Health, Wellness & Fitness - Marbella, Andalusia, Spain
Fitness Ventures ESP ( FV ESP ) was founded by Mathías Caraballo and Karim Elfar. The company develops and markets fitness related products to the Spanish market. FV ESP is also the exclusive representative for the software, which is a turnkey infrastructure and business development tool for online personal training.Karim and Mat bring a unique background to the fitness industry; both being ex competitive athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Their leadership of FV ESP bring innovation and creative solutions to the Fitness industry in Spain.Mat is one of the most experienced and highly certified fitness trainers in Europe, with a distinction of Master Trainer. Moreover, he carries a wealth of academic accomplishments in the sports science field. He works with many professional athletes at the highest level.Karim has a long track record in the investment industry being based in London and NYC, spanning over 20 years and conducting business in over 20 countries. He has also had numerous board positions related to fitness and sports. One of his advisory board positions was with Krossover, a sports technology company which was acquired by Hudle in May of 2019. Karim is extensively networked within the fitness business community, and amongst elite athletes worldwide. For more information about Fitness Ventures ESP and Coachr, please see below weblinks.