Oil & Energy - , ,
We offer a scientific & detailed breakdown of the drill cuttings for a ft by ft cross section of your well. We can narrow in on your ZOI and determine the percentage and quality of the oil fluorescence & porosity connectivity while drilling in a fast moving work environment. We operate with intensity when approaching potential and/or known pay zones and tops markers💲. With well timed accelerations in sample quantities for a more accurate depositional illustration of caprock to sourcerock. Revealing your prospects sweet spot💎 in laminated reservoirs and/or assessing which R💧Z is the least contaminated can enhance a horizontals ROI. Mainlogs software capabilitys equip us with a visual Horizontal presentation that we are building and adjusting dip changes as needed. Offset gamma and or porosity open hole logs can be drawn on the presentation with a heal to toe dip calculation can provide a steady direction. The effictiveness of our mudlogging team reading the rocks Hi/LOW tell features that were well documented at landing or on the pilot is where Five Star Loggers become a desired asset that you are going to feel more and more comfortable with our teams procedure making it an essential part of your horizontal program. Daniel SheltonFive Star Logging, LLCCo. Owner/dedicated scientist