Fivemore Health & Wellness Pvt. Ltd

Health, Wellness & Fitness - Gurugram, Haryana, India

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"​ It's time to unbound. For long you had to make do with the ordinary, the just so. Bound by limits that never posed a challenge, or asked questions. Stuck in the rut of convention that never let you break free. It's time to move on. To be what your BODY can be. And then, some more." Fivemore. for fitness A personal training studio like no other. Acutely focused on you and you alone. Your goals, your determination, your body and our expertise to make it all happen. Wellness is much more than a number on a scale or a discounted gym membership. Through our scientific & holistic approach, we target 8 areas of wellness: emotional, physical, environmental, financial, spiritual, intellectual, occupational, and social to engage, educate, and energize employees in a brand new way. How? A team of qualified and experienced personal wellness coaches, sports nutritionists and chronic and lifestyle conditions' experts will assist you.We would like to impact as many lives by assisting in the wellness programs and educates on importance of physical and emotional health, right nutrition, meditation, prevention and reversal of chronic and lifestyle medical conditions by working on the five components of physical fitness - Cardiovascular endurance, Muscular strength, Muscular endurance, Ideal body composition and Flexibility.As part of our Social Responsibility, we educate, empower and support women on various aspects of Health & Wellness, improving their energy, self efficacy and maintaining their well-being through healthy practices and services.On the occasion of Women's Day we started the campaign to cover 50k women across Delhi/NCR and continue to do so . Some of the women lifestyle diseases that we cover are - Obesity , Diabetes, Thyroid, PCOS, Menstrual Cycle Disorder, Infertility , Chronic backache, Cardiovascular diseases, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Osteomalacia, Disturbed Circadian rhythm. We have also been doing awareness through our empanelled Doctors around Cancer for women covering breast/cervical/ovarian cancer etcSpecialised Training :At Fivemore we are committed to custom responses for specific needs. Depending on the context, we offer a number of special interventions.Rehabilitation: Medical conditions may lead to impaired functioning and even psychological barriers to exercise. We create a systematic work-out regime keeping the medical history and current physiological conditions in mind.Specific Goal setting counselling: Everybody who enters into a gym has a specific goal in mind: looking more muscular/toned, shed some fat, or to have sport specific training or to become more athletic by improving efficiency. We counsel and create a Goal map with a holistic approach for a better lifestyle. We make sure all the components of fitness like cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, musculoskeletal strength, flexibility and ideal body fat composition are in the mix for optimal results.Nutritional Guidance: A well thought out diet plan is a critical part of the workout regime. Meal Plans are developed basis the client goal - muscle gain or fat loss - and upon current fitness and health levels (e.g. Diabetes, hyperuricemia, high BP, etc).Education: The members are constantly educated about the exercises, the WHY and HOW of exercise, so that if they are travelling they would know what to do, how to do and why to do as well as what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat.Result Oriented Approach: The whole approach of Fivemore Personal Training is to work towards the goal in a safer, effective and focused manner for faster results.

Fivemore Health & Wellness Pvt. Ltd logo, Fivemore Health & Wellness Pvt. Ltd contact details
Employees: 2
Location: Gurugram, Haryana, India

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