Civic & Social Organization - Ojai, California, United States
In August of 2016, The Ventura County Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) conspired with my child's mother and several others to make multiple KNOWN FALSE allegations of child abuse to Child Protective Services (CPS Referral Number: 0940-8012-1022-8085593). The malicious coordinated reports were made in bad faith with the intent of increasing the amount of child support I would be obligated to pay, remove my parental rights, and ultimately abduct my child. DESPITE the FAMILY {F}LAW SYSTEM'S best efforts to fabricate some type of wrong doing on my part, I have NEVER ONCE been even remotely close to guilty of ANYTHING that could be construed as neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, or domestic violence! This criminal act was not only advocated by the Ventura County Family Courts and the District Attorney, these local government entities continue to play an Actively Aggressive Role in an enterprise that has profited from domestic violence and made our children commodities! Every attempt made to report these crimes being committed results in harsh retaliation. Since the false allegations to CPS, I have been subjected to numerous investigations, invasions of privacy, searches of my home, gang stalking, wage garnishments, monetary intercepts, seizure of financial assets, suspension of my driver's license, loss of employment, new employment offers retracted, and even had my unemployment denied! While my life has been destroyed, I am still here and fighting the battle of my life!I am, and will continue to be, very resourceful. I'm not too proud to accept assistance from others. My ability to do things in an "unorthodox" way has and will continue to be one of my few advantages in this fight. I am not looking for pity, nor do I seek to show the world I am "right" or try to "get even" with those who have wronged me.