Oil & Energy - Zagreb, City of Zagreb, Croatia
Flexstream is the spoolable composite pipe, designed for the onshore and offshore shallow water applications for the oil and gas industry. It is a flexible pipe that can be laid directly in all kind of terrains without the risk of failure. It offers excellent resistant to corrosion and a very high mechanical strenght.It is ideal for environmentally sensitive applications. Benefits are: - Fast and easy installation (reduced costs)- Less ground disturbance- Significantly reduced equipment and workforce- 40 to 80% faster installation- 35 to 65% cost saving- No special handling or bedding- Superior corrosion resistance- No corrosion inhibition programs required- Better flow rates compared to new steel pipe- No need for new building permits (in case of pulling through)- No need for de-rating the pressure design - Minimum reparation for disturbance of the private land- Significantly lower CAPEX & OPEXManufactured in:- Nominal sizes of 2" - 8"- Design pressure: 50 - 200 bar- Max operating temperature up to 90 deg C
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