Consumer Products - Cambridge, MA, US
The Flycycle presents a new way of thinking about bike parking, where elegant design and functional form come together to create a new and exciting way to expand the public's access to secure bike parking.Our design focuses on the dual challenge of designing a bike rack that meets the stringent Kendall Square bike parking guidelines, and reduces the footprint of the bike parking once installed. Our solution is to marry several successful features of other high density bike racks into a continuous tubular frame that is comfortable to use and reduces the required spacing of the bike racks by as much as 6" per unit. When aggregated, that 6" of savings enables our design to add (1) additional bike rack per every (5) conventional bike racks, which results in a 15% space savings, or 2'-06" of length. It is not uncommon for facilities such as schools and office buildings to install as many as 30 bike racks in a single location, with our design an owner will now be able to add an additional (6) bike racks or save 15'-00" in layout space. Space savings of this magnitude open up new possibilities for designers, and help to add additional capacity in locations that are already space constrained.We are proud that our project was founded in the heart of Kendall Square and was able to utilize local artisans to develop our initial prototypes. Our story truly is one of Yankee ingenuity, with high-tech design tools guiding the hands of experienced craftsmen.
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