Information Services - N/A, N/A, NZ
We help you save lots of money and reduce your off site storage bill. We will• review your current retention and disposal work programme • check to see if you have retention and disposal schedules to cover your records• help you identify the records you have that are over 25 years old• check to ensure that the records are listed to Archives NZ Standards• help you to apply the General Disposal Authorities (GDAs) • quantify off site storage costs savings that may be achievable• work with you to develop a work plan so that you can manage your inactive records in a cost effective wayWe can also help you design a system that is readily usable by all people. This includes• Records classification structure• Policies and Procedures• User guidelines• Training modules• One on one coaching• System implementation• Retention and Disposal Schedule• Appraisal reportsWe Are Famous For• Listing 27,500 files in 1400 hours over a nine week period• Implementing a transfer to Archives NZ of 99,500 files in 2730 hours over 15 weeks• Editing open and closed dates into 47,500 files in 810 hours over three weeks• Supplying high level consultancy on project teams.• Analysing off site storage needs.• Sorting 30,000 client files into alphabetical order and shelving them in a logical manner.• Creating 12,500 files and matching the paper to the file for an employment consultancy over a weekend.• Re labelling 5,000 files and sorting them from alpha to file reference order over a weekend
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