Research - Paris, Île-de-France, France
The Fondation Pierre-Gilles de Gennes pour la Recherche manages a network of academic research teams from ENS (Ecole Normale Superieure), l'ENSCP (Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Paris), l'ESPCI (Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles), and Institut Curie. This network represents 1% of the French academic researchers (150 teams, 1600 physicians, researchers, and PhDs) and accounts for 1.6% of the publications, 4.3% of the TOP 1% most cited papers, and 7% of the Nature & Science papers in France. FPGG initiates interdisciplinary, inter-institutional programs at the chemistry/physics/biology/medicine interface with an objective of generating innovative breakthroughs for global Health Care. It characterizes by the rapid decision processes of its Steering Committee that enable the initiation of risk-taking projects within 2 months. As an integrated part of its business model FPGG also facilitates the setting up of industrial joint-research agreements focused on Small and Medium Enterprises. An innovative marketing strategy, leveraging the French Research Tax Credit has allowed €3.2m of successful contracts within 2 years and paved the way toward sustainability. Recently 3 successful applications from FPGG added €18m to its original €20m funding. This will enable the establishment of a 4000m^2 Institute Pierre-Gilles de Gennes for Microfluidics that aims to create a unique technological platform for fast prototyping of lab-on-chip applications.
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