Health, Wellness & Fitness - , ,
Healthy Cooking Classes & Natural Food Coaching for Greater VitalityIf you are lacking in energy and want more vitality, Food in the Nude Cooking Classes and Natural Food Coaching may just what you need! Based in Perth, WA, Raw Food Expert, Vitality Coach & Chef, Michelle Sims can help you transform your life and diet!"You don't have to be a 'Raw Fooder' 'Health Nut' or even Vegetarian to benefit greatly from a Food In The Nude Cooking Class"What food does a 'Food In The Nude' class use and promote? Plant based cuisine Focus on Raw & Living Foods Whole foods grown with out the use of chemicals or genetic modification Minimally and unprocessed foodsThrough out Food In The Nude Classes, you will be given suggestions for incorporating these aspects into a cooked and non-vegetarian diet. You will also be given healthy cooked options to compliment eating for vitality!Michelle Sims, Your Vitality Coach!