Environmental Services - Coloma, California, United States
The Mission of the Foothills Water Network is to provide a forum that increases the effectiveness of conservation organizations to achieve river and watershed restoration and protection benefits for the Yuba, Bear, and American. This includes negotiations at the county, state, and federal levels, with an immediate focus on the FERC relicensing processes. Specific objectives include: 1) Facilitate a dialogue on cross-basin issues and strategies to enhance overall watershed balance with special attention to an interbasin framework with which to address the FERC relicensings. 2) Identify and avoid potential conflicts among watershed groups in order to work towards a common "vision" for overall watershed health across the basins.3) Analyze the Yuba, Bear, and American as the "problemshed" in order to explore constructive interbasin solutions.4) Conduct public outreach to raise awareness of water supply issues and the unique opportunities in the three interlinked watersheds. To this end, the Network will collaborate with established watershed groups to disseminate outreach materials.