Museums & Institutions - Denmark, Maine, United States
FaF is the short form for Foreningen af Fagarkæologer - in English: The association of archaeologists. FaF was founded in 1997. FaF is the only organization that embraces all archaeologists in Denmark. It is a member-organization where anyone with minimum a BA degree in archaeology can become a member. The degrees can be in prehistoric -, medieval- , classical- and near eastern archaeology. We come from all branches and sectors of archaeology – persons in leading positions, researchers, curators, persons doing rescue excavations, heritage management and unemployed people – and some of our members have found jobs far away from the archaeological profession. We want to create a collegial atmosphere that promotes social and professional networks for archaeologists. We want to give archaeologist a platform and a framework for discussions of academic and political significance for our profession. - - - - - The journal Arkæologisk Forum is one of FaFs first and most successful initiatives. The first issue came in 1999 and has since then been published twice a year. It came into being from a desire for a more open and dynamic culture of debate among Danish archaeologists. And Arkæologisk Forum was the answer to a need in Danish Archaeology at that time. Now Arkæologisk Forum is an established peer reviewed journal. As an academic journal Arkæologisk Forum is the place where both academic and political discussions of significance for our profession can be presented. A place where the interaction between the scientific, social and political becomes visible - not necessarily because the individual articles are expressing such contexts, but because Arkæologisk Forum is the media that establishes the link.