Waste/Recycling/Environmental - Rivervale, WAU, AU
The Forest Products Commission (FPC) is a Government trading enterprise established to develop and market Western Australia's renewable timber resources.In addition to growing millions of seedlings every year, we are investing in research and development - to secure the greatest possible returns on a variety of commercial species including eucalypt sawlogs, maritime pine, sandalwood, jarrah and marri. We are identifying ways and means in which we can extend the traditional uses of our timbers, so that we can provide value-added commercial opportunities.The FPC is also working closely with local industry and Western Australian landowners and farmers, to ensure land is readily available for future tree crops and plantations. To ensure the long-term sustainability of our unique timbers, we carefully match selected tree species with the soil, water and climate of an area, prior to seeding.We are also involved in the marketing of Western Australian timber products. In conjunction with bodies such as the Furnishing Industry Association, we assist with the promotion of the many features and uses of our timbers ie the value of sandalwood in pharmaceutical products, and the growth of karri and jarrah in export furniture and manufacturing markets.Sustainable forest management ensures economic, environmental and social benefits for the community such as increased employment opportunities, countering carbon dioxide omissions, reversed land degradation and restored biodiversity.Western Australia is home to a diverse range of unique native timbers and plantation timbers. The FPC is not involved in old growth production, but rather the long term preservation and expansion of Western Australian plantation and native timbers.
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