- Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Since 1996 Forge Data Solutions (FDS) has been assisting its customers to successfully create and deploy information delivery systems, with a special focus on solutions involving the Location dimension where Business Intelligence incorporates and visualises the "where" in data relationships. FDS is a registered supplier on the NSW Government ICT Services Scheme for information management, software services including custom application development. In 2003 FDS became an Endorsed Supplier to the Australian Federal Government. The FDS client base spans Australian Federal, State and Local Governments and industries across a variety of sectors including Banking and Insurance, Legal, Property Management, Retail and Utilities. FDS is the most experienced Australian reseller of Integeo's suite of Map Intelligence products across all BI tools and GIS environments such as Esri's ArcGIS, Pitney Bowes' Spectrum Spatial or GeoServer. For more information contact us by email at - info@forge.com.au or by phone at - 02 9045 3391
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