Information Technology & Services - Logroño, La Rioja, Spain
Formavolucion is a young and innovative company formed by a team of highly qualified professionals, with the intention to innovate in paradigms socially accepted in the world of new technologies. Techvolucion (www, technological brand of Formavolucion makes first level artificial intelligence to troubleshooting non-complex problems with large amounts of data (Big Data). We apply this technology, among others: Banksecur: This solution uses, among other data sources, the access controls to systems, through analysis of system logs. These analysis allows to establish recurrent access patterns that determines anomalous behavior which allows the prediction of illicit activities. Itaca: This tool allows institutions to make proposals and recommendations of content to achieve training, with more likely assimilation according to the capabilities and skills of the student. Referred to the insertion of unemployed people, we can use the personal specific skills to readjust the search for a job or to determine what skills should improve specifically in order to be successful in the most frequent demands in their work environment. Car brand detector: We apply our algorythms to marketing through customized offers based on the vehicle's brand, by means of processing the image that give us the parking lot cameras, which allows us the detection and identification of the manufacturer. Thanks to this result, you can undertake custom actions according to different marketing profiles associated with the brand of the vehicle. In summary, our computational brain can be added to any software or used in any execution process, so this basic level inference for the recommendation and prediction can be useful to improve any process, and due to the low consumption of resources, you can perform their function at very low cost, making it a economic and practical solution for the improvement of any software process.