Logistics and Supply Chain - , ,
Why FORSEGA?Quality guaranteed by the deep knowledge of our experts in transport logisticsQuality confirmed by reviews of our customersQuality proven by long term relationships with reliable and proven contractorsCOMPLIANCE with LAWS and ETHICSIn its work FORSEGA adheres to strict principles and respects the laws of the countries in which we do business. ANTI-BRIBERY and CORRUPTIONWe strongly oppose any manifestations of corruption. RELIABLE ACCOUNTING DATAWe advocate complete, accurate and reliable accounting reports.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONWe are committed to fulfilling our obligations as environmentally-friendly as possible.WORK SAFETYThe safety and health of our employees is always in the focus of our company. INFORMATION SEQURITYAn important part of FORSEGA secure business system is a high level of vigilance regarding electronic information and communication exchange and business operations in the Internet. SUPPLIERS MANAGEMENTFORSEGA works with authorized service providers only. In doing so, we expect our contractors to adhere to the above mentioned business principles.REPUTATIONFORSEGA is a reliable partner. We value our reputation. Therefore, each employee should work to preserve and improve the reputation of the company.
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