Nonprofit Organization Management - , , Indonesia
The Indonesian Student Economy Forum (FMEI) is a forum to contribute an active and solutive contribution to the phenomenon of the Indonesian economy that is able to criticize and contribute in the form of an economic based thinking on the policies issued by the Indonesian government. Currently FMEI has formed an organization that has been established and agreed upon at the first FMEI congress in Unsoed, Purwokerto and has fourteen universities, namely UI-Unpad-UGM-UNS-UB-IPB-UNY-Unsoed-USU-Unsri-Undip-Unmul -UniTel-UNAIR.The basis of FMEI is Discussion, Contributions, and Responsiveness. This forum has two main activities, ie periodic review and congress held every six months in the form of open discussion, seminar, or scientific meeting, news letter which is held every six months at the end of semester of study. In addition, this activity is a form of student role of economic member of FMEI in developing Indonesian economy through study.