Advertising/Marketing/PR - Arlington, Virginia, US
The struggle of any organization or business is to break through and make a real, lasting impression with the target audiences who further their cause. This can only be accomplished by demonstrating message discipline, creativity and a commitment to advocacy, ensuring decision makers are hearing from both the grasstops as well as the grassroots. FP1 has led the fight on campaigns with diverse issues ranging from patent reform to preventing a nuclear Iran. We have won tough battles, from expanding drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf for the first time in 23 years, to paving the way for InBev’s takeover of Anheuser-Busch and stopping the Employee Free Choice Act legislation, as well as passing dozens of bills locally and nationally on various issues, including health care, energy and transportation. Founded on the modern day reality that political power is derived in the home states and districts of elected officials, with our extensive campaign background – and a top-notch team of bi-partisan field operatives skilled in both political and corporate arenas – FP1 provides a unique, effective approach to achieving goals, seizing opportunities and solving problems for clients. We identify and mobilize the appropriate constituencies at the local and district level and transform them into persuasive communicators. We craft messages and frame the debate, then we develop coalitions to help deliver the message of the campaign and advocate to their members and policy makers.
Cloudflare DNS
Microsoft Office 365
CloudFlare Hosting