Advertising/Marketing/PR - Chambersburg, PA, US
The Franklin Shopper offers multi-media solutions for your marketing and advertising needs. For over 33 years we have published a weekly free Shopper paper, The Franklin Shopper. The Franklin Shopper is distributed by carrier and bulk delivery to over 50,000 households in Franklin County PA and Washington County MD. The Franklin Shopper is truly the one print product in Franklin County PA and Washington County MD where "Buyers Shop First!". In addition to print we also offer a digital version of our weekly paper. Our website features all of our print Classifieds, Events, Special Sections, a Blog, On-line Contest links and more. In addition to our print product we also offer e-mail marketing, digital advertising and a mobile app. Our Digital Agency 25Penn Marketing can help manage your business on social media as well as develop a mobile ready website.
Constant Contact
Google Cloud Hosting