Individual & Family Services - Hartsville, South Carolina, United States
Our mission:Creating a safe environment for families of children admitted into local hospitals a place to relax, sleep, and eat without the financial burden. How we got started:On April 10th, 2013 we lost our son Franklin Myers Steele to SMA at just under 5 months old. We wanted to find something we could do in memory of our son. This brought us to Franklin's Friends. We are currently in the process of getting our non-profit status. We are hoping to be up and running by the end of 2015.What is Franklin's Friends?Franklin's Friends will start with raising funds to make the PediatricIntensive Care Waiting Room more comfortable for parents and families ofcritically ill children admitted at McLeod Children's Hospital. Parents and families will be able to go to the waiting room to relax and be able to rest by sleeping on a pull out bed. We are hoping that with the help of volunteers that we can provide home cooked meals or gift cards to local restaurants (if wanted). We will also provide families with gas cards and meal cards if needed. We are not there yet, but with a lot of hard work and the great people that support us along we will obtain this awesome goal.Our long term goal is to offer similar services to other children's hospitals across the country.
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