Food Production - Eys, Limburg, Netherlands
Around the world large areas of agricultural soil are in a bad condition. Since WW II intensive tillage and large-scale use of artificial fertilizer and chemical crop protection have deteriorated the nutrient-rich humus layer in agricultural soil. Essential natural microbes have disappeared. Plants have become extremely vulnerable to diseases and while they take up fewer constituent substances and the flavors of their fruits decline. FREESOIL allows farmers and growers to produce healthier food from healthier living soils. Key to a healthy (natural) soil is the humus that feeds the symbiosis between plant and soil life. Farmers achieve more sustainable agriculture by shifting to stimulating the enormous wealth of micro-organisms in their natural soils. And by seizing their work on sterile soils and by stopping to use artificial fertilizer and crop protection products. FreeSoil is distinctive and innovative because it is ‘natural'. Growers purchase an affordable, easy-to-use solution for improving the soil with tailor-made compost that matches the existing soil characteristics. It returns to the core of human nutrition, by combining the solution that evolution brought us with state of the art technology. Simple, effective and a lot cheaper for our farmers.