Marketing & Advertising - Woolwich Township, New Jersey, United States
Freshtography LLC is a photography and social marketing company focused on the Fresh Produce Industry. Our motto is "Fresh Produce Deserves Freshtography" and we aim to deliver the highest quality images, content and marketing to our clients. Freshtography's mission is to heighten our visual awareness to the fresh produce industry while telling provenance stories that lead consumers to our products. We want fresh produce to create a visceral, emotional reaction to the consumer that reminds them why they are buying our fruits or vegetables. To create an experience around FRESH that instills a calming reminder of quality, assurance, flavor and conscious awareness for the products we grow. We know that every apple, every stalk of chard, every piece of produce has a story, a provenance to tell! It was cultivated, nourished, cared for with love and ingenuity by farmers, producers, packers and shippers who all have their own stories and history. Our goal is to enable fresh produce suppliers to share beautiful, fresh images, along with amazing, motivating and enlightening stories from the seed to the fork and the plant to the plate.