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We make online recommendations free, personal, and trustworthy through your Facebook friends, enabling us to deliver highly targeted click ads and quality referrals to businesses.The ProblemIn the real world, we all have expert friends we rely on for trustworthy recommendations but their expertise is not recorded or shared with others. The SolutionFriendsApproved™ provides a community-driven online destination where members share recommendations (likes) for businesses, products and services. Users can review what their friends (and their friends) like and nominate their Facebook friends as experts. Experts in turn share their favorite recommendations building an inventory of friend-approved businesses, services and products. This inventory can then be matched with click ads, providing unprecedented targeting capabilities to advertisers by combining search context with the social graph (your social net-work/Facebook friends).Competitive Advantage No other search or referral engine can return results based on their trustworthiness to the individual user. FriendsApproved™ patent pending scoring and ranking mechanism combined with our 100% community-policed inventory puts us into a unique position to revolutionize how consumers use trusted recommendations and how businesses can reach new customers via their existing ones.
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