Management Consulting - London, N/A, gb
Frontline Consulting Associates is a consultancy which provides support to local authorities. We deliver consultancy, reviews, action learning, induction sessions and development activity as one-off workshops or a series of sessions online. We are mentoring individuals and facilitating conversations for chairs, committees and political groups. We will continue to help build capacity and support good governance and effective political management through member development, ‘health checks', away days, action learning, events and consultancy.Our excellent mix of knowledge and experience, challenge and facilitation skills help us work with councillors to explore how they might better fulfil their strategic and frontline duties. We also help elected members better to understand the impact of public sector reform on their roles and enable transformation of ways of working.Frontline Consulting also provides support to Police (Fire) and Crime Panels and since 2012 has worked with every Panel in England and Wales at our annual conferences and regional networks and in our learning and development workshops, reviews and induction sessions.
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