Retail - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States is a smarter online shopping experience. Minimize your time spent staring at a screen by having all of the best deals from all of your favorite vendors in one convenient place. Frugally is powered by our Artificial Intelligence models that recommend products based off of market trends, or a specific user's browsing habits in order to provide a smarter, more powerful shopping experience to the user. By using this Top Down model of network trafficking to major retailers, not only does the customer minimize their opportunity cost by getting the best market value on their favorite brands, but major retailers are also able to gain more accurate Business Intelligence on the latest market trends. is a simple design that employs the use of Selenium's web scraping libraries to gather all the best deals from a set list of vendors, regardless of API availability. By handing this data off to our full stack LAMP server (Hardware owned!), and using it to power our AI algorithms, we are able to keep the user's finger on the market's pulse around the clock.Frugally is an entirely free service to the user, however feel free to buy your favorite team of engineers and entrepreneurs a cup of coffee by donating to our site If you would like to get involved or have any suggestions, email us at"And then came that girl who rowed in the dark. Each night she paused to relay her coordinates, how her body was performing, and the atmospheric conditions. Often she noted things-the outlines of birds migrating at night, a whale shark seining for krill off her bow. She had, she said, a growing ability to dream while she rowed."- The Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson