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Fruit salad is power for our body. Who can resist the array of colors, textures, and flavors from a fruit salad? Vitamin C is just one of the many vitamins that we can get from a fruit salad. Fruit Salad Inc. brings the vitamin C to your business! Vitamin "C" stands for Creative, Connections and Customers. We are a "C"reative team with loads of experience on how you can make new "C"onnections and turn them into "C"ustomers. How can we help you to become more successful in your business? By using our amazing tool, the Go-Caddy, your success can be guaranteed. Fruit Salad Inc. is the exclusive Go-Caddy™ ™ distributor for North America. The success story of the Go-Caddy™ started in 2005 with the development of our amazing promotional tool - the Go-Caddy. After we obtained the worldwide patent copyright Fruit Salad Inc. started selling the Go-Caddy™ in the European marketplace. Since that time, more and more customers are benefiting from the Go-Caddy™ as a successful marketing tool. Fruit Salad Inc. now brings this powerful promotional tool to the US market. In times of global economic crisis, it's more important than ever to maintain a high profile, to be seen, be ready and be among the first to use the best promotional tool available today. With the Go-Caddy™ market attention of everybody! In the present global economy, it is important to distinguish yourself from your competitors by being the first to use our amazing portable tool, the Go-Caddy! With the Go-Caddy you will grab the attention of everybody – guaranteed! Because everybody knows the three important factors for success are: Marketing! Marketing! Marketing!