Civic & Social Organization - Niemodlin, Opole Voivodeship, Poland
Ważne jest dla nas, by dziewczynki, dziewczyny i kobiety były odważne, aby chciały i mogły same decydować o sobie. Uczymy je wierzyć w siebie i mówić o swoich potrzebach. Spotykamy się z silnymi kobietami, by inspirować się ich przykładem. Pokazujemy kobietom i mężczyznom, że bez współpracy zmiana nie nastąpi. W ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat pomogłyśmy 550 osobom.The foundation has been established in 2015, but previously (from 2011 on) our team worked as an association. We are a group of continuously developing trainers specialised in social competences, psychology, entrepreneurship and project management with extended expertise in implementing a wide array of grants.Our actions are focused on young people, supporting their initiatives and helping them make a positive change in the world. Since 2015 we focus on women and girls, so that, through our projects the participants find their inner strength to understand and counteract sex/gender stereotypes and discrimination.In our work we also promote the entrepreneurial approach, empowering the local community to search and put to good use the unexplored local resources. We focus our work at a local level, but have experience with international projects targeting youngsters and specifically women/girls.Our experience: - managing over 20 grants (> 230 000,00 EUR)- over 1000 hours of training courses for youth / local community / women/ children / seniors- funding grants: EEA Grant, Swiss Grant, Ministry of Work and Social Policy, Batory Foundation, Polish- American Foundation of Freedom, ESF, local government and others.As trainers we use many methods including: - applied drama, - Design Thinking, - creating outdoor games with youngsters. Through these non-formal education tools we work on specific issues, like: discrimination, active citizenship and empowerment.
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