Personal Services - Toledo, OH, US
GAFFL helps travelers and adventurers to find others in advance at specific destinations and airports, based on their travel dates and allows them to plan in a group on destination-specific time-slots using a group chat. There are 4600+ destinations including 300+ major airports worldwide. The categories we focus on are traveling, outdoors (hiking/climbing/mountaineering), and airport transits. It is like 3 products blended into one with a common goal of connecting people worldwide. We built a dedicated platform for adventurers, where they can find out others before they travel to cities, hike a trail, climb a mountain or spend time in a transit. By confirming future travel, hike or climb dates, users can go to time specific pages, where they can plan out their trips using group chat and question answers. We also have community pages for all our locations throughout the world. People who will not travel right away, but are interested or want to know more about a certain city, national park, hiking trail, mountain or an airport, can ask questions and get help from other users using real-time chat and question answers. Community members can mark themselves as locals as well.People who are willing to hike in a group, will not have to pay for guided trips anymore. This platform will also lower the number of hiking accidents, as a lot of people will be able to hike in groups. All users have a customized feed, based on their interest, location, travel destinations etc. They can post their updates and pictures with all the travel and adventure geeks out there. Travelers, hikers, and mountaineers will be able to share the most interesting adventure hacks for people who really need it the most. Every destination page has a near-by tool to help users find restaurants, transportation, and other emergency services.
Google Apps
Amazon AWS