Electronics - N/A, N/A, FR
Gaia Converter (www.gaia-converter.com) specializes in compact high efficiency DC power modules. Dedicated to High Reliability applications such as Military, Avionics, Aerospace, Railway, Transportation & high end Industrial, they meet or exceed all applicable stringent standards for EMC/EMI, transient protections and environmental conditions. DC-DC power converters:- 4 W to 35 W with single, dual, and triple outputs.- 60 Watts to 200 Watts single output. Can be paralleled and synchronized.- Ultra Wide input voltage ranges including 9-45, 16 to 80, 120 to 480, 36 to 140VDC, and others. AC-DC power converters: 35W to 350W DO-160 compliant PFC converters.Front Ends : Filtering and protections :- Transient Protection Modules from 50 to 300W,- Hold Up modules and Spike Suppressors for 50W,- EMI Filters from 2 to 20Amps.
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