Investment Management - , ,
Galton Asset Management is an investment advisory firm that uses quantitative investment strategies with the goal of delivering superior risk-adjusted returns for clients. The firm currently offers a Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA) strategy. The Galton TAA Strategy uses momentum (trend) signals to vary its exposure to cash and eight different broad asset classes such as Stocks, Government Bonds, Real Estate, and Gold. The strategy is designed to seek returns that beat the market over time, with lower and shorter drawdowns. No short-selling or leverage is used. Strategy is designed for low turnover, (1x-2x yearly) and is implemented with very liquid ETFs for high capacity. Most gains are long-term, and most losses are short-term, leading to potential tax advantages. Trading and rebalancing are performed monthly, as needed. Trade decisions are 100% rules-based. Risk control is accomplished by not allowing more than 50% of the portfolio to be allocated to one asset class. Client assets are managed in separate accounts.
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