Machinery - Mönchaltorf, Zürich, Switzerland
Anodurit - the next level of Anodising Titanium Anodurit = Preassure Anodization of Titanium, Tantalum extended work load capacity, increased life time Anodurit pulls you in front of Your competitors.Anodization transforms the surface (Titanium, Tantalum) into an oxide layer. This layer protects your products even better from corrosion and abrasion. Anodurit – the Swiss invented pressure anodization provides first time a unique and completely tight oxide layer. crystalline, tight oxide surface layer up to 10µm clean, no sand-blasting true to size, no post processing considerably higher bending fatigue strength enhanced protection against galling Anodurit acts as an electrical isolatorRely on Anodurit in applications of: Medical and Surgical, Aviation and Space, Automotive and High Performance Devices and Parts.