Publishing - Sterling, Virginia, United States
We mail to businesses, nonprofits, trade associations and government contractors throughout the Washington, DC metropolitan region. Our substantive coverage makes the gam|mag unique, as we blend interesting, informational, and fun articles for readers to enjoy.For Readers:• WE INFORM readers with useful business, financial, and historical articles from experts in the field.• WE CREATE AWARENESS of organizations and their services otherwise not reported in other media.• WE SHOWCASE area executives and the organizations they run.• WE PROVIDE A MARKETPLACE where readers can find solutions to their unique needs.For Advertisers:• WE REACH nearly 13,000 mail subscribers plus additional readers through free distribution.• OUR LOYAL BASE is more likely to use the services of advertisers.• WE SERVE a customer base beyond magazine subscribers.• OUR READERS represent a diverse cross section of industry professionals and executives likely to benefit from the services advertised.