Marketing & Advertising - Gainesville, Florida, United States
Florida Gators Sports Properties is the multimedia rightsholder and sports marketing arm for the University Athletic Association (UAA). In complete collaboration with UF, this local, dedicated team is committed to extending the affinity of the Gators' brand to businesses and corporations of all sizes looking to align with the undeniably loyal and passionate collegiate sports fan base. Florida Gators Sports Properties manages all aspects of the rights relationship including:Intellectual property (use of marks & logos)In-venue signage across athletic venuesGame entitlementsCoach's endorsementsOn-field/court-promotionsOn-site activations and promotional giveawaysExperiential marketingDigital/social engagement and visibilityRe-targeting on third-party sites through first-party dataMobile app messagingStatewide radio networkTelevisionPrint and collectiblesCommunity initiativesCorporate hospitalityB2B networking