Higher Education - Ankara, Ankara Province, Turkey
With the decision of the Council of Ministers published in the Official Gazette dated 13.11.2009 and numbered 27405, Gazi University Technical Education Faculty was closed and the Faculty of Technology was established with the same date and number. Gazi University Faculty of Technology consists of nine departments: Woodworking Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Industrial Design Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Civil Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and Automotive Engineering. Our faculty started education in six departments: Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Industrial Design Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Civil Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, and Automotive Engineering in the 2010-2011 academic year. He took students to the Department of Woodworking Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering. In 2013-14 academic year, it started to take students to Industrial Design Engineering.Academic Structure: There are 210 academic staff in our Faculty Departments including 78 Professors, 38 Associate Professors, 31 Doctor Faculty Members, 17 Lecturers, and 46 Research Assistants.Administrative Staff: 78 administrative staff, including General Administrative Services, Technical Services Class and Auxiliary Class, serve in the departments and units of Gazi University Technology Faculty.Education Period: The education and training period in the departments of Gazi University Faculty of Technology is 8 semesters (4 years). Students who successfully complete the four-year education and training program are awarded an undergraduate diploma. The language of education is Turkish. Students of our faculty's engineering departments receive workplace training in the 7th or 8th semesters in addition to the industrial internship application. There are double major and minor programs.