Advertising/Marketing/PR - Seattle, WA, US
A MARKETING SOLUTION-MAKERGCDirect is a marketing solution-maker that is media-neutral. We work with clients to create effective communications strategies that increase their customer retention, generate leads and close sales. LASTING RELATIONSHIPSOur agency is known for building client relationships [and vendor relationships] that last. COMMUNICATIONS MEDIUMSBeing media-neutral means we can use a variety of marketing tools to meet objectves— web marketing, paper mail and email. We dive into our customers' businesses and become part of their fabric. FEW LAYERSFast growing companies and companies with limited marketing personnel love GCDirect because we're a flat organization that puts senior level people on their accounts. We fit to our client's process, making marketing development seamless.Give us a call! 206-262-1999X205.
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