Health, Wellness & Fitness - Redmond, Washington, United States
GeekFit is about working smarter, not harder. It's about having more time to do the things we love doing-- whether that's biking and hiking, or playing Halo and watching a movie-- and having better health with which to do them. GeekFit is about applying our intelligence to attain healthier bodies and doing so as quickly and efficiently as possible.GeekFit's core initial offering is personal training. We'll be using an approach in line with the "Body by Science" workouts some of you have started with us recently-- HIT-type work, approximately once a week for around 20 minutes for each client. Workout programs will be adjusted for each client based on goals and individual factors, will be supervised by a certified personal trainer, and will include monthly progress review meetings. Beyond personal training, GeekFit will be offering general consultations on exercise, sports, health and nutrition. Want to help plan your bike training for that century ride with a pro triathlete? Want to learn about weight loss and nutrition from former fat geeks and how you can work with your body and enjoy getting healthy? We'll be building out our offerings in this area as we move forward. We expect to offer seminars/classes as well in the future.