Design - Cork, County Cork, Ireland
We are a brand new Graphic/Web Design firm based in Cork, Ireland. We create graphics from scratch and apply them to your website, facebook page, twitter accounts, business cards, posters, banners, menus, brochures, leaflets, branding, etc. You name it, We'll do it.We are User Experience design enthusiasts, so if you can't use our systems [websites, content management systems (CMS), applications (for smart phones and desktops) etc.] whenever and wherever you want then we have not done our job in providing a User Experience (UX) that has excellent Usability, Accessibility and User Interface (UI) design components.If you would like us to take a look at your existing Web Presence and conduct a review/critique on what we here at Gem would advise with regards to what it is that your business is currently doing well, with regards to your website and social media accounts, and what suggestions we might make for further development of your web presence in the future. This 'Web Critique' service is provided to the client through a plain-english, concise, bullet-point formatted report which includes suggestions for further development for their web presence. These are 'suggestions' on how the client might evolve their business' web presence going forward. There is no obligation to make the suggested changes right away or ever or even to employ Gem Design to make these changes - the client can employ whoever they wish, e.g. they might already have an in-house development team.