Human Resources - Tulsa, OK, US
We provide our clients with the tools to reduce hiring mistakes, strengthen the selection process, improve employee performance and ultimately enrich the bottom line.Employers can no longer rely on resumes... they are 'manufactured' by professionals; or the interview... books and classes abound on preparation for employment interviews; or even references... threats of litigation have closed that door. What can employers do to ensure quality hiring?We have the answers...Our assessment determines personality traits and then measures them against successful people in a similar job, measuring critically important areas of "job fit".We deliver interview questions which probe areas of concern from the candidate's assessment results.One of the main reasons our clients use our assessment is to have a better understanding of the applicants applying for a specific job. This level of pre-employment testing can provide insight to how a person's mental and behavioral dimensions relate to the job in question and rank the candidates into those that are ideal, acceptable, or simply not a good fit.This tool can help you ascertain and utilize the skills you already have internally to fill positions, determine ways in which to train your current workforce, or delve into successful traits for a particular position, enabling you to hire future employees that mirror those same traits.Employers are able to see how a potential employee's cognitive and personality traits will fit into a specific position as well as areas needing improvement if they were to be hiredWe measure several areas critical to successful "job fit" including:Mental Intelligence to perform the job DriveIntegrityAbility to deal with peopleEgo and self-conceptPsychological ToughnessMotivationAnd many other critically important areas.Visit us at or call (918)664-2588