Think Tanks - Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Global coordination has never been more crucial, yet it seems out of reach. Mass unemployment, migration, existential risks, failing governance – we are facing difficult times and daunting challenges. We, therefore, need to explore innovative ways of building up global cooperation and filter out the most promising ones to work on._____Our approachWe think that great results can come from small groups working in concert with a reason-based mindset. We're building a community with a thoughtful and open culture to motivate such collaboration in small groups. We seek to broadcast our work to the world, whether as papers, blog posts, projects, or guides. _____Our valuesGlobal HumanitarianismWe believe that every human being has equal intrinsic value. Moreover, we believe that animals' lives have value, too.EffectivenessWe try do the utmost possible. Therefore, we take evidence-based action and critically evaluate our action.OpennessWe're open to many opportunities and open about our work._____Keys to successWhat makes us different? A clear, solution-driven vision paired with a concrete framework to achieve it. We envision a world of evidence-based policy, based on rigorous prioritization. Detailing values, rules and aspirations, our charter outlines how we will drive the platform's focus to solve problems, instead of continuously discussing them.
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