Waste/Recycling/Environmental - Carpentersville, IL, US
GGS is your best option for fast, reliable non destructive testing of pipe systems. We are a team of NDT experts with 40+ years experience that provides a better one-source pipe inspection service made possible through the smartest NDT pipe and vessel testing technology available on the market today.This technology, proprietary to the LIXI Profiler, measures everything in the beam, provides qualitative data allowing you to quickly answer the most important question: Is my pipe safe? This technology, combined with other techniques in only the most unique situations, allows us to confidently provide our clients the most reliable results based on our non destructive NDT inspection services which typically result in an 80% + improvement on the integrity of a pipe system due to early detection of anomalies.GGS provides industrial pipe inspection services worldwide to companies in Petrochem, Refrigeration, Pulp & Paper, Mining, Water, Utility, Marine and Chemical.No matter your industry, trade or complexity of your pipe system, our expert on-site techs will give you data you can count on. All solutions are developed specifically for your environment and based on your requirements.We are a member of RETA (Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association), a member of IIAR (International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration), a certified member of ISNetworld, and support continuing education by serving as a regular resource/speaker to organizations such as ASTI (Ammonia Safety & Training Institute) and the University of Wisconsin Madison's IRC (Industrial Refrigeration Consortium).
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