Investment Banking - , ,
Il profilo è " market friendly and originate to business". Detto altrimenti : "transaction lending" . I progetti devono presentare in via preventiva e\o consuntiva i seguenti dati: -stato patrimoniale; -conto economico; -rendiconto finanziario; -prospetto delle variazioni del capitale netto; -relazione degli amministratori sulla gestione; -nota integrativa. ----- Our profile is "market friendly and originate to business.". Said otherwise: "transaction lending ". Projects must submit in advance and \ or consuntiva the following data: -balance sheet; -the income statement; -statement of cash flows; -statement of changes in equity; -the directors' report on operations; -notes ---- Unser profil ist "market friendly and originate to business". In anderen worten: "transaction lending". Die Projekte müssen im Voraus und \ oder consuntiva folgende Daten zu übermitteln: -bilanz; -die Gewinn-und Verlustrechnung; -kapitalflussrechnung; -aufstellung der Veränderungen des Eigenkapitals; -die Directors 'Bericht über Operationen; -notes